Sunnyside Up Project
The Sunnyside Up Project aims to work with primary schools in Hong Kong to support students in learning the English language. With a strong foundation in English, students get a better chance for further education. Classes are conducted in a lively manner, not only to develop students’ interest in English, but also to encourage positive thinking and to increase self-confidence. Our vision is to inspire every child participating in the Sunnyside Up Project to be cheerful “Sunnyside Up Kids” who can influence people around them to learn English in a positive way.
• Since 2015, 974 students have benefitted from the Sunnyside Up Project
• 83% of the participants have shown improvement in their English
• 70% of the Sunnyside Up Primary 6 graduates have successfully enrolled in popular schools
• Over 90% of our students and parents have expressed in surveys that the programme is effective in boosting students’ interest and confidence in English
• Purchased over 1000 English books for schools to set up reading corners in classrooms
• Since 2015, over HK$ 2,330,000 had been spent on the Sunnyside Up Project
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Review and Classroom Observation of the 2022/23 School Year2023-08-31
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】2022/23 Regular review meeting with Schools2023-03-14
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Schools Update for Academic Year 2021/222022-09-26
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Schools Update for Academic Year 2020/212021-08-19
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Thank You Letters from Students2021-05-10
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Good Counsel Catholic Primary School 2019/20 Christmas Celebrations2019-12-22
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Review and Classroom Observation of the 2023/24 School Year2024-09-01
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Good Counsel Catholic Primary School 2018/19 Closing ceremony2019-05-28
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Shamshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association PS 2018/19 Class Observation2019-03-13
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Good Counsel Catholic Primary School 2018/19 Reunion Party2019-01-26
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Good Counsel Catholic Primary School 2017/18 Closing ceremony2018-06-22
- 【Sunnyside Up Project】Good Counsel Catholic Primary School 2017/18 Class Observation2017-12-18