【Sunnyside Up Project】Good Counsel Catholic Primary School 2018/19 Reunion Party


Yuk Ching Charity Trust and Good Counsel Catholic Primary School have collaborated in【Sunnyside Up Project】since 2015 for three semesters. The first cohort of beneficiary students completed their primary school course in 2018 and are now studying in secondary school.


Students and parents are adapting to new environment and challenges and a new stage in life. Another batch of students will soon advance to secondary school. The Trust invited these groups of students and their parents to a reunion party. Family legacy experts from Legacy Academy provided experiential learning to parents and students during the gathering.


The party provided parent-child time for the participants. While parents and students enjoyed the games, experts hoped that they could learn to appreciate one another positively. Experts also shared ways to educate and care for children, including emotional control and communication skills. In addition, experts talked with the students to understand their dreams and encouraged them to express and reflect effectively. Through these interactive experiences, the Trust and the Academy wish all the students can have improvement in mind, character and academics and also relationship with their parents.


Yuk Ching Charity Trust
28 January 2019