This year, a total of 135 students from four beneficiary primary schools participated in the program. According to surveys conducted with students and parents from each school, over 90% of respondents agreed that the program effectively enhanced students' interest in learning English, improved their English proficiency, and increased their enjoyment of participating in the "Sunny Egg Program" English enhancement courses.
This year, all four subsidized primary schools offered sixth-grade classes, with a total of 58 sixth-grade students. Among them, 34 students (59%) successfully enrolled in Band 1 English secondary schools. Specifically, the enrollment rates were as follows: 82% (14 out of 17) for Good Counsel Catholic Primary School, 71% (5 out of 7) for Shamshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association Primary School, 36% (8 out of 22) for St. Charles School, and 55% (7 out of 12) for the SKH Kei Wing Primary School.