【Vegetable Donations】Donate Vegetables 2024

YCCT regularly donates fresh vegetables to charitable organizations in Hong Kong that provide meal assistance. All vegetables are freshly harvested from the fields, carefully packaged, and directly delivered to the food factories of these charities, aiming to provide the freshest ingredients to those in need and assist more individuals requiring support. Additionally, the foundation hopes to offer fresh food assistance to members of food and resource centers and elderly support stations in the future.

This year, YCCT  will continue to donate a large quantity of fresh vegetables, with specific details as follows:


Date Vegatable Amount(Kg) Donate Ogranzation Farm Land
15/01/2024 lettuce 35 Food Angel Tsiu Keng
16/02/2024 Lettuce and broccoli 60 Food Angel Tsiu Keng
04/03/2024 lettuce 50 Food Angel Yuen Long
10/04/2024 lettuce 50 Food Angel Yuen Long
22/04/2024 Lettuce and broccoli 40 Food Angel Tsiu Keng
16/08/2024 Beans and winter melon 100 Food Angel Tsiu Keng
15/10/2024 Chinese cabbage 60 Food Angel Yuen Long
25/10/2024 Chinese cabbage 90 Food Angel Tsiu Keng
02/12/2024 Chinese cabbage 65 Food Angel Tsiu Keng
17/12/2024 Mustard greens and cauliflower 80 Food Angel Tsiu Keng
  Total 630