Yuk Ching Charity Trust would appreciate and fully utilize every dollar you donate. Your generous donation enables us to provide assistance to the needy to live healthily and happily.
By Cheque
Prepare crossed cheques payable to "The Incorporated Trustees of Yuk Ching Charity Trust"
Direct Transfer
Direct deposit to our HSBC accounts:
"The Incorporated Trustees of Yuk Ching Charity Trust"
Faster Payment System(FPS)
Donations can be made through “Faster Payment Service (FPS)” enabled mobile banking apps, by scanning the following QR code.
Receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above.
To request a receipt, please complete the donation form and send it to
5-7/F, AXA Tower, Landmark East, No. 100 How Ming Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(Attn: Yuk Ching Charity Trust)
by post or email to ycct@yukchingcharity.com
with your cheque or bank slip or transaction record.
(File number: 91/7577)
Policy Donation
As long as you are holding or about to insure a valid life insurance issue under Hong Kong Law Cap. 41 Insurance Ordinance, you can add us as one of the beneficiary of your life insurance and put at least 1% of the protection to us. Help us to develop a long-term stable source of funds and spread love to the world.
For more details, please visit the website of Life Care Movement - Policy Donation